SQL statements for Relations Account, Depositor, Branch

Consider the relational database:

  • Account(acc_number, branch_name, balance)
  • Depositor(cust_name, acc_number)
  • Branch(branch_name, city)


Write the SQL statement for the following: 

  1. Find the record of the customer with balance in between Rs 10,000 and Rs 100,000.
  2. Find the name of depositor consisting of at most 6 characters.
  3. Find all the account maintained at branch Bhaktapur.
  4. Increase the interest by 10% to the account with balance over Rs 1,000,000.
  5. Find the name of depositor whose Name starts with 'Z'.

a. Find the record of the customer with balance in between Rs 10,000 and Rs 100,000.

To find: Record of customer. ie; Depositor.

Given condition: balance between 10000 and 100000.

The condition(balance) is present in another table Account.  Thus, JOIN is required.


Option #1: Using NATURAL JOIN and  >=, <=.

SELECT Depositor.cust_name,
FROM   Depositor
       NATURAL JOIN Account
WHERE  Account.balance >= 10000
       AND Account.balance <= 100000;


Option #2: Using NATURAL JOIN and BETWEEN.

SELECT Depositor.cust_name,
FROM   Depositor
       NATURAL JOIN Account
WHERE  Account.balance BETWEEN 10000 AND 100000;


Option #3: Using INNER JOIN and  >=, <=.

SELECT Depositor.cust_name,
FROM   Depositor
       INNER JOIN Account
               ON Depositor.acc_number = Account.acc_number
WHERE  Account.balance >= 10000
       AND Account.balance <= 100000;


Option #4: Using INNER JOIN and BETWEEN.

SELECT Depositor.cust_name,
FROM   Depositor
       INNER JOIN Account
               ON Depositor.acc_number = Account.acc_number
WHERE  Account.balance BETWEEN 10000 AND 100000;  


b. Find the name of depositor consisting of at most 6 characters.


Option #1: Using LEN OR DATALENGTH. For Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL).

SELECT cust_name
FROM   Depositor
WHERE  LEN(cust_name) <= 6;

---------- OR ------------ 

SELECT cust_name
FROM   Depositor
WHERE  DATALENGTH(cust_name) <= 6; 


Option #2: Using LENGTH OR CHAR_LENGTH. For MySQL.

SELECT cust_name
FROM   Depositor
WHERE  LENGTH(cust_name) <= 6;

---------- OR ------------ 

SELECT cust_name
FROM   Depositor
WHERE  CHAR_LENGTH(cust_name) <= 6;  


c. Find all the account maintained at branch Bhaktapur.

FROM   Account
WHERE  branch_name = 'Bhaktapur';  


d. Increase the interest by 10% to the account with balance over Rs 1,000,000.

UPDATE Account
SET    balance = balance * 1.10
WHERE  balance > 1000000;  


e. Find the name of depositor whose Name starts with 'Z'.


Option #1: Using LIKE. Works in both MySQL and MSSQL.

SELECT cust_name
FROM   Depositor
WHERE  cust_name LIKE 'Z%';  


Option #2: Using SUBSTR. Works in both MySQL and MSSQL.

SELECT cust_name FROM Depositor
WHERE SUBSTR(cust_name, 1, 1) = 'Z';


Option #3: Using SUBSTRING. Works in MySQL.

SELECT cust_name FROM Depositor
WHERE SUBSTRING(cust_name, 1, 1) = 'Z';


Asked in Year