

Subject: DBMS

Topic: Normalization & Functional Dependency


R = {A, B, C, D, E}


F = { AB C, A D, D E, AC B }

Then compute {AB}+ and {DC}+.

Normalize the following table to 3NF.

Sid Cid SName C_Name Grade Faculty F_Phone
1 IS208 Adams Database A Padam B. Karki 601245
1 IS301 Adams Programming B Ravi Gurung 458695
2 IS208 Jones Database A Padam B. Karki 601245
3 IS208 Smith Database B Padam B. Karki 601245
4 IS301 Baker Programming A Ram Sundar 452368
4 IS208 Baker Database B Padam B. Karki 601245

Normalize the following table(question corrected).

Cust_Id Cust_name city Zip_code Cust_address House_no Items Company Price
1 Bob Ktm, Pok 001 Sanothimi 009 Mobile Samsung 50000
2 John But, Bhair 002 Lalitpur 010 TV Sony 80000
3 Cristina Narayangadh 003 Baneshwor 111 Camera LG 55000
4 Katrina Dang 004 New Road 112 Laptop Dell 65000

Normalize the following table.

Cust_Id Cust_name Cust_address Zip_code city House_no Items Company Price
1 Bob Ktm, Pok 001 Sanothimi 009 Mobile Samsung 50000
2 John But, Bhair 002 Lalitpur 010 TV Sony 80000
3 Cristina Narayangadh 003 Baneshwor 111 Camera LG 55000
4 Katrina Dang 004 New Road 112 Laptop Dell 65000

Consider the schema R = {A, B, C, D} such that following functional dependency holds on it:

F = {A B, A BC, C D}

If R is decomposed into relations R1 = {A, B} and R2 = {B, C, D}, check if decomposition results in good design or not.

Normalize the following Student_Course table to 2NF.

S_ID S_Name C_ID C_Name
1 Subham C01 English
1 Subham C02 Economics
2 Supriya C03 Mathematics
3 Sawan C01 English

Consider schema U = { A, B, C, D, E, F } and the set of functional dependencies:



Find closure of AB.

Consider a relation R with the schema R = (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) and a set of functional dependencies F as:



Find the super key for this relation.

Normalize the following table into 3NF.

EmpName Dept Age Address
John ECE, EEE 28 Butwal
Peter ME 31 Pokhara
James BBM, BBS 30 Dang

Consider a relation R with the schema R (A, B, C, D, E, F) with a set of functional dependencies F as follows:



Find the super key for this relation and convert it to 2NF.

Generalize the given relational table up to 2NF.

S_ID S_name Contact_no Address C_ID C_name
S01 Ram 9841, 3762 Birgunj C01 Database
S01 Ram 9841, 3762 Birgunj C02 E-Commerce
S02 Sita 5532 Kohalpur C03 MIS
S03 Krishna 5361, 9857 Bhojpur C01 Database
S04 Radha 2734 Damak C03 E-Commerce
S05 Rawan 5736 Dolpa C03 MIS
S03 Krishna 5361, 9857 Bhojpur C03 MIS

Normalize the following table.

Pid Pname Price Mid Mname Address Phone
1 ABC 1000 101 EFG Ktm, Bkt 4412
2 XYZ 2000 101 EFG Bkt 4561
1 ABC 3000 102 MNP Ltp, Ktm 2341
3 ABC 1000 105 IBD Brt, Bkt 2169
4 XYZ 1000 105 IBD Ktm 6635