Normalize the table (Cust_Id, Cust_address, Zip_code, city, Items, Price ...). Question Corrected.

Normalize the following table(question corrected).

Cust_Id Cust_name city Zip_code Cust_address House_no Items Company Price
1 Bob Ktm, Pok 001 Sanothimi 009 Mobile Samsung 50000
2 John But, Bhair 002 Lalitpur 010 TV Sony 80000
3 Cristina Narayangadh 003 Baneshwor 111 Camera LG 55000
4 Katrina Dang 004 New Road 112 Laptop Dell 65000

This is a follow-up article to the previous article where we discussed the printing mistake and ways to approach it. There we solved the question as it is, i.e., without correcting it. Here, we solve the same question with another approach. That is, we correct(i.e., swap) the columns(Cust_address and city) and answer the question accordingly.


Note: Even after correcting the columns, the data is still incomplete and non-matching. For example, the customer(Cust_Id, 1) has two cities Ktm and Pok. But the corresponding Cust_address, Zip_code, and House_no are single. Another example is, for Cust_Id 3, the city is Narayangadh and Cust_address is Baneshwor. We will ignore these issues and proceed to normalization.

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1. First Normal Form(1NF)

The column city has non-atomic values ('Ktm, Pok' and  'But, Bhair'), which means multiple cities. Let's decompose the table and bring the multi-valued attribute 'city' to a different table R2 and the rest of the attributes will be in R1.

1. R1

Cust_Id Cust_name Zip_code Cust_address House_no Items Company Price
1 Bob 001 Sanothimi 009 Mobile Samsung 50000
2 John 002 Lalitpur 010 TV Sony 80000
3 Cristina 003 Baneshwor 111 Camera LG 55000
4 Katrina 004 New Road 112 Laptop Dell 65000

2. R2

Cust_Id city
1 Ktm
1 Pok
2 But
2 Bhair
3 Narayangadh
4 Dang


Now, the tables R1 and R2 are in First Normal Form since there aren't any no-atomic values.



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2. Second Normal Form(2NF)

1. Check for partial dependencies.

In R1, there is a single(non-composite) primary key. Hence R1 does NOT have partial dependencies.
In R2, there are only prime attributes. Hence, R2 does NOT have partial dependencies too.

Thus, R1 and R2 are in the Second Normal Form.



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3. Third Normal Form(3NF)

There are transitive dependencies in the relation R1.

Cust_Id Items

Items Company

i.e., Cust_Id Items Company



Items Price
i.e., Cust_Id Items Price

Let's decompose R1 into R3 and R4 to bring it to the Third Normal Form.

Note: Here, the column Items is not suitable to be a Primary Key because item names are not unique. It is always a safer option to add a surrogate(artificial) primary key for it. So, we are adding the extra column Item_ID as a primary key.

1. R3

Item_Id Items Company Price
1 Mobile Samsung 50000
2 TV Sony 80000
3 Camera LG 55000
4 Laptop Dell 65000


2. R4

Cust_Id Cust_name Zip_code Cust_address House_no Item_Id
1 Bob 001 Sanothimi 009 1
2 John 002 Lalitpur 010 2
3 Cristina 003 Baneshwor 111 3
4 Katrina 004 New Road 112 4


There aren't any transitive dependencies anymore in R3 and R4. Hence, our final tables are R2, R4 and R5 which are in the Third Normal Form(3NF). The question has not targeted any particular normal form. In such cases, the relations in 3NF are considered good enough.

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