Use the following schema to write relational algebra statements for the questions that follow. The primary keys are underlined in the schema:
STUDENT(Ssn, Name, Major, DOB)
COURSE(Cnum, Cname, Dept)
ENROLL(Ssn, Cnum, Semester, Grade)
TEXTBOOK(ISBN, Title, Publisher, Author)
Specify the following queries in relational algebra:
- List the course number taken by all students named 'John Smith' in winter 1999 (i.e., Semester = 'W99').
- Produce a list of textbooks (include Course#, ISBN, Title) for courses offered by the Computer Science Department (i.e., Dept = 'CS').
- List any department that has its adopted books published by 'BC Publishing'.
- Find the names of students who have not been enrolled in any course.
- Find all the textbooks that were authored by Mike Wilkins.
A: Relational Algebra statements for schema STUDENT, COURSE, ENROLL, BOOK_ADOPTION, TEXTBOOK: 81
a. List the course number taken by all students named 'John Smith' in winter 1999 (i.e., Semester = 'W99').
π Cnum ( σ Name = 'John Smith' ^ Semester = 'W99' ( COURSE ⨝ ENROLL ⨝ STUDENT ) )
b. Produce a list of textbooks (include Course#, ISBN, Title) for courses offered by the Computer Science Department (i.e., Dept = 'CS').
π Cnum, ISBN, Title ( σ Dept = 'CS' ( TEXTBOOK ⨝ BOOK_ADOPTION ⨝ COURSE ) )
c. List any department that has its adopted books published by 'BC Publishing'.
π Dept ( σ Publisher = 'BC Publishing' ( COURSE ⨝ BOOK_ADOPTION ⨝ TEXTBOOK ) )
d. Find the names of students who have not been enrolled in any course.
π Name ( σ Ssn = NULL (STUDENT ⟕ ENROLL) )
π Name ( STUDENT ) - π Name ( STUDENT ⨝ ENROLL )
e. Find all the textbooks that were authored by Mike Wilkins.
σ Author = 'Mike Wilkins' ( TEXTBOOK )