Role of aggregration and generalization in minimizing redundancy
How the data cleaning operations always ensure high quality data?
Consider a relation R with the schema R = (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) and a set of functional dependencies F as: {AB→C, A→DE, B →F, F→GH} Find the super key for this relation.
Normalization of Relation(EmpName, Dept, Age, Address) into 3NF. 1. Remove non-atomic values. 2. Remove Partial Dependencies. 3. Remove Transitive Dependencies.
Write Relational Algebra expressions for the following schema of the relational database. Publisher(pid, name, location) Book(bid, title, author, page, price) Publish(bid, pid, publish_date)
Write the SQL statement for the following: Account(acc_number, branch_name, balance) Depositor(cust_name, acc_number) Branch(branch_name, city)
Relational algebra for: Account(acc_number, branch_name, balance) Depositor(cust_name, acc_number) Branch(branch_name, city)
In this article, we will go through the steps that one should take while modelling an ER diagram. To understand those steps better we will use an example of a company in the following question: Design ER model of a company database which keeps track of it's departments and employees. The database should maintain information about projects and… continue reading
DBMS: SQL for Relational Database of a College. Tables: Student, Teachers and College