A: Relational Algebra queries for Students, Teachers and Teaches: 63

i. Find the Roll of all students who are taught by teacher "Raman".

π Roll ( σ TName = 'Raman' ( Teaches Teachers ) )


ii. Delete all students who are from Biratnagar.

Temp1 σ SAddress = 'Biratnagar' ( Students )
Students Students - Temp1



Students Students - σ SAddress = 'Biratnagar' ( Students )


iii. Increase the fee of students who are from Kathmandu by 2%.

Temp1 π Roll, SName, SAddress, SContact, SFee = SFee * 1.02 (σ SAddress = 'Kathmandu' ( Students ))
Temp2 σ SAddress ≠ 'Kathmandu' ( Students )
Students Temp1 Temp2



Students π Roll, SName, SAddress, SContact, SFee = SFee * 1.02 (σ SAddress = 'Kathmandu' ( Students )) σ SAddress ≠ 'Kathmandu' ( Students )


iv. Find the name of teacher who lives in Kathmandu and get salary greater than Rs. 100000.

π TName ( σ TAddress = 'Kathmandu' ^ TSalary > 100000 ( Teachers ) )


v. Change the name of student to Sushila whose roll number is 10.

Temp1 π Roll, SName = 'Sushila', SAddress, SContact, SFee ( σ Roll = 10 ( Students ) )
Temp2 σ Roll ≠ 10 ( Students )
Students Temp1 Temp2



Students π Roll, SName = 'Sushila', SAddress, SContact, SFee ( σ Roll = 10 ( Students ) ) σ Roll ≠ 10 ( Students )